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Sarcophagus Chamber South Wall Translation

Utterances 213-219 (west to east)

Utterance 213

134: O Unas, you have not gone dead, you have gone alive to sit on the throne of Osiris. Your scepter is in your hand that you may give orders to the living, the handle of your lotus-shaped scepter in your hand. Give orders to those of the Mysterious Sites (the dead)!

135: Your arm is that of Atum, your shoulders are those of Atum, your belly is that of Atum, your back is that of Atum, your bottom is that of Atum, your two legs are those of Atum, your face is that of Anubis. The sites of Horus serve you, the sites of Seth serve you.

Utterance 214

136: O Unas, beware of the Lake!
To say four times:
The messengers of your ka have come to you, the messengers of your father have come to you, the messengers of Re have come to you.

137: Go after your sun! You are to purify yourself. Your bones are those of female hawks, the goddesses who are in heaven, so that you may be by the side of the god and leave your house to your son, your procreation. Everyone who shall speak evil against the name of Unas,

138: when you go up, is predestined by Geb to be a despised one of his city, he shall flee and falter. You are to purify yourself with the cool water of the stars, and you will climb down upon ropes of brass, on the arms of Horus, in his name He-of-the-Henu-barge.

139: The (glorified) humanity bewail you after the Imperishable Stars have carried you. Enter then into the place where your father is, where Geb is! He gives you that which was on the brow of Horus, so that you become powerful and full of glory through it, so that you become the One-at-the-Head-of-the-Westerners through it.

Utterance 215

140: O Unas! Your messengers go, your heralds hurry to your father, to Atum.
"Atum, let him rise to you, fold him in your arms!

141: There is no god, who has become a star, without a companion."
"Shall I be your companion?"
"Look at me! you have seen the forms of the children of their fathers, who know their spell, who are now Imperishable Stars".
May you see the two inhabitants of the Palace: this is Horus and Seth!

142: May you bespit the face of Horus and remove his injury! May you catch the testicles of Seth and remove his mutilation! That one is born for you, this one is conceived for you.

143: You are born, o Horus, as the one whose name is He-before-whom-the-earth-quakes;
(you are conceived, Seth, as the one whose name is ) He before-whom-the-sky-shakes.
Such a one has no mutilation (Horus),
such a one has no injury (Seth),
such a one has no injury, such a one has no mutilation,
(so) you have no injury, you have no mutilation!

144: You are born for Osiris, o Horus!
You have become more glorious than he,
You have become more powerful than he.

145: There is no seed of a god which has perished, neither (has he) who belongs to him. You will not perish, who belong to him. Re-Atum does not give you to Osiris, he does not reckon your heart, he has no power over your breast. Re-Atum does not give you to Osiris, he has no power over your breast.

146: Osiris, you cannot have power over him, your son cannot have power over him. Horus, you cannot have power over him, your father cannot have power over him.

147: You belong, o this one, to this god, as the Twins of Atum said:
"Lift yourself up", so said they, "in your name God", and so you become Atum for every god.

148: Your head is that of Horus of the Duat, O Imperishable One, your brow is the One-with-the-Two-Eyes, O Imperishable One, your ears are (those of) the Twins of Atum, O Imperishable One, your eyes are (those of) the Twins of Atum, O Imperishable One, your nose is (that of) a jackal, O Imperishable One, your teeth are (those of) Sopdu, O Imperishable One,

149: your arms are (those of) Hapy and Duamutef, which you need to ascend to heaven, and you ascend, your legs are (those of) Imsti and Qebehsenuf, which you need to descend to the lower heaven, and you descend. All your members are (those of) the twins of Atum, o Imperishable One! You did not pass away, your ka does not pass away.
You are a ka!

Utterance 216

150: I have come to you, Nephtys. I have come to the Evening Barge. I have come to you, True-is-she-over-the-Red, I have come to you, she-who-remembers-the-kas. Remember him, Unas!

151: Orion is encircled by the Duat, when the One-who-lives-in-the-Horizon purifies himself. Sothis is encircled by the Duat, when the One-who-lives-in-the-Horizon purifies himself. This Unas is encircled by the Duat, when the One-who-lives-in-the-Horizon purifies himself. He is content because of them, he is refreshed because of them, in the arms of His father, in the arms of Atum.

Utterance 217

152: To say the words: "Re-Atum, Unas comes to you, an Imperishable Spirit, Lord of Dispensation in the site of the four papyrus columns. Your son comes to you, this Unas comes to you, that you (both) may stride over the sky, united in darkness, that you may rise on the horizon in the place where you like to be [podium, pyramid].

153: Seth and Nephtys, hurry! Announce to the gods of the South and their spirits : He comes indeed, this Unas, an Imperishable Spirit!
If he wills that you will die, you will die;
If he wills that you will live, you will live.

154: Re-Atum, Unas comes to thee, an Imperishable Spirit, Lord of Dispensation in the site of the four papyrus columns. Your son comes to you, this Unas comes to you, that you (both) may stride over the sky, united in darkness, that you may rise on the horizon in the place where you like to be.

155: Osiris and Isis, hurry! Announce to the gods of the North and their spirits: He comes indeed, this Unas, an Imperishable Spirit, like the honored (star) over the Nile, so that the spirits in the waters honor him. Whom he wills that he live, he lives. Whom he will that he die, he dies.

156: Re-Atum, this Unas comes to you, an Imperishable Spirit, Lord of Dispensation in the site of the four papyrus columns. Your son comes to you, this Unas comes to you, that you (both) may stride over the sky, united in darkness, that you may rise on the horizon in the place where you like to be.

157: Thoth, hurry! Announce to the gods of the West and their spirits: He comes indeed, this Unas, an Imperishable Spirit, decked like Anubis on the neck, who rules over the Western Mountain, that he may reckon hearts and that he may have power over breasts! Whom he wills that he live, he lives. Whom he will that he die, he dies.

158: Re-Atum, Unas comes to you, an Imperishable Spirit, Lord of Dispensation in the site of the four papyrus columns. Your son comes to you, this Unas comes to you, that you (both) may stride over the sky, united in darkness, that you may rise on the horizon in the place where you like to be.

159: Horus, hurry! Announce to the gods of the East and their spirits : He comes indeed, this Unas, an Imperishable Spirit! Whom he wills that he live, he lives. Whom he will that he die, he dies.

160: Re-Atum! your son comes to you, Unas comes to you. Let him ascend to you! Enfold him in your embrace! This is the son of your body, eternally.?

Utterance 218

161: To say the words:
"O Osiris, this Unas comes indeed, weary of the Nine, an Imperishable Spirit, to reckon hearts, to take kas, to grant kas. His every appointment obliges one (to do his duty), him who he has elevated, and him who applied to him.

162: There is no one who withdraws because he will have no bread, his ka will have no bread, his bread will be withheld from him [worship and address Unas as a god, in do ut des fashion]. Geb said, and it came forth from the mouth of the Ennead:
"Hawk, after he has seized (his own)!" so they said, "Lo! you are ensouled and powerful!".

163: He comes indeed, this Unas, weary of the Nine, an Imperishable spirit, he that bore more than you, he that suffered more than you, he that is more weary than you, he that became greater than you, he who will be happier than you, he who roars louder than you. You have no more time there! Lo, this is what Seth and Thoth have done, your two brothers, who could not bewail you!

164: Isis and Nephtys, come together, come together, unite! He comes indeed, this Unas, weary of the Nine, an Imperishable Spirit.

The Western Ones, those who are upon earth, belong to this Unas.
He comes indeed, this Unas, weary of the Nine, an Imperishable Spirit.
The Eastern Ones, those who are upon earth, belong to this Unas.
He comes indeed, this Unas, weary of the Nine, an Imperishable Spirit.
The Southern Ones, those who are upon earth, belong to this Unas.
He comes indeed, this Unas, weary of the Nine, an Imperishable Spirit.
The Northern Ones, those who are upon earth, belong to this Unas.
Those who are in the Lower Sky belong to this Unas.
He comes indeed, this Unas, weary of the Nine, an Imperishable Spirit!?

Utterance 219

167: To say the words:
"Atum, this your son is here, Osiris, whom you have preserved alive. He lives! He lives! This Unas lives! He is not dead, this Unas is not dead! He is not gone down, this Unas is not gone down! He has not been judged, this Unas has not been judged! He judges, this Unas judges!

168: Shu, this your son is here, Osiris, whom you have preserved alive. He lives! He lives! This Unas lives! He is not dead, this Unas is not dead! He is not gone down, this Unas is not gone down! He has not been judged, this Unas has not been judged! He judges, this Unas judges!

169: Tefnut, this your son is here, Osiris, whom you have preserved alive. He lives! He lives! This Unas lives! He is not dead, this Unas is not dead! He is not gone down, this Unas is not gone down! He has not been judged, this Unas has not been judged! He judges, this Unas judges!

170: Geb, this your son is here, Osiris, whom you have preserved alive. He lives! He lives! This Unas lives! He is not dead, this Unas is not dead! He is not gone down, this Unas is not gone down! He has not been judged, this Unas has not been judged! He judges, this Unas judges!

171: Nut, this your son is here, Osiris, whom you have preserved alive. He lives! He lives! This Unas lives! He is not dead, this Unas is not dead! He is not gone down, this Unas is not gone down! He has not been judged, this Unas has not been judged! He judges, this Unas judges!

172: Isis, this your brother is here, Osiris, whom you have preserved alive. He lives! He lives! This Unas lives! He is not dead, this Unas is not dead! He is not gone down, this Unas is not gone down! He has not been judged, this Unas has not been judged! He judges, this Unas judges!

173: Seth, this your brother is here, Osiris, whom has been preserved alive, and who lives that he may punish you. He lives! This Unas lives! He is not dead, this Unas is not dead! He is not gone down, this Unas is not gone down! He has not been judged, this Unas has not been judged! He judges, this Unas judges!

174: Nephthys, this your brother is here, Osiris, whom you have preserved alive. He lives! He lives! This Unas lives! He is not dead, this Unas is not dead! He is not gone down, this Unas is not gone down! He has not been judged, this Unas has not been judged! He judges, this Unas judges!

175: Thoth, this your brother is here, Osiris, whom has been preserved alive, and who lives that he may punish you. He lives! He lives! This Unas lives! He is not dead, this Unas is not dead! He is not gone down, this Unas is not gone down! He has not been judged, this Unas has not been judged! He judges, this Unas judges!

176: Horus, this your father is here, Osiris, whom you have preserved alive. He lives! He lives! This Unas lives! He is not dead, this Unas is not dead! He is not gone down, this Unas is not gone down! He has not been judged, this Unas has not been judged! He judges, this Unas judges!

177: Great Ennead, this Osiris is here, whom you have preserved alive. He lives! He lives! This Unas lives! He is not dead, this Unas is not dead! He is not gone down, this Unas is not gone down! He has not been judged, this Unas has not been judged! He judges, this Unas judges!

178: Little Ennead, this Osiris is here, whom you have preserved alive. He lives! He lives! This Unas lives! He is not dead, this Unas is not dead! He is not gone down, this Unas is not gone down! He has not been judged, this Unas has not been judged! He judges, this Unas judges!

179: Nunet, this your son Osiris is here, of whom you have said : "He is born for your father?". you have wiped his mouth, his mouth has been opened by his son Horus, who is his beloved, his members have been reckoned by the gods.

180: He lives! This Unas lives! He is not dead, this Unas is not dead! He is not gone down, this Unas is not gone down! He has not been judged, this Unas has not been judged! He judges, this Unas judges!

181: In your name of He-in-Heliopolis-while-enduring-everlastingly-in-his-necropolis, he lives! This Unas lives! He is not dead, this Unas is not dead! He is not gone down, this Unas is not gone down! He has not been judged, this Unas has not been judged! He judges, this Unas judges!

182: In your name of He-in-Busiris, chief of his nomes, he lives! This Unas lives! He is not dead, this Unas is not dead! He is not gone down, this Unas is not gone down! He has not been judged, this Unas has not been judged! He judges, this Unas judges!

183: In your name of He-in-the-Mansion-of-the-Scorpion, the appeased ka, he lives! This Unas lives! He is not dead, this Unas is not dead! He is not gone down, this Unas is not gone down! He has not been judged, this Unas has not been judged! He judges, this Unas judges!

184: In your name of He-in-the-divine-Pavilion, He-in-fumigation, He-in-the-coffer, He-in-the-Shrine, He-in-the-Sack, he lives! This Unas lives! He is not dead, this Unas is not dead! He is not gone down, this Unas is not gone down! He has not been judged, this Unas has not been judged! He judges, this Unas judges!

185: In your name He-in-the-White-Chapel-of-paar-wood, he lives! This Unas lives! He is not dead, this Unas is not dead! He is not gone down, this Unas is not gone down! He has not been judged, this Unas has not been judged! He judges, this Unas judges!

186: In your name of He-in-Orion, your time is in heaven, your time is on earth. Osiris, turn your face so that you see this Unas,

187: your seed which came out of you, the penetrating one! he lives! This Unas lives! He is not dead, this Unas is not dead! He is not gone down, this Unas is not gone down! He has not been judged, this Unas has not been judged! He judges, this Unas judges!

188: In your name of He-in-Buto, may your arms be about your meal, your daughter,